Duration 1:26

Sprouting Seeds

140 422 watched
Published 4 Apr 2007

If you can't get out into the garden, or you want to get the kids involved on a wet day, why not sprout some seeds? Sprouting seeds are nutritious and easy to grow. Traditional favourites, such as alfalfa, radish and broccoli, are best sprouted in special sprouters or sprouting jars with a mesh lid, but you can use any jar and wrap mesh or coarse cloth around the opening. The easiest, and cheapest, of all are lentils. Because of the size of the seeds, you don't even need a special sprouter - I use acrylic storage jars with the flexiable seal removed so the lids fit loosley. you can use inexpensive lentils from the supermarket, intended for boiling. I choose organic lentils but just make sure they are not the orange, split lentils - you need the green, Puy lentils or similar. Soak them in lots of water overnight, then drain. As with any other sprouting seeds, you must rinse them in lots of water twice a day. they have a pea-like taste and are crunchy and a good addition to salads. They are not only healthy but cheap too - a 500g pack will make dozens of portions for less than a £1


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