Duration 6:58

صينية لحم مفروم بالخضار وجبة غداء فى30دقيقة Tray of minced meat with vegetables, lunch in 30 minutes Hoa Kỳ

609 watched
Published 13 Apr 2021

Minced Meat Garlic Dill Parsley Onion Salt Tomatoes Carrots Black Pepper Spices Cinnamon Ground Cloves Thyme Baking Powder Nutmeg Potato Ketchup Barbecue Sauce On the oven 30 minutes Mozzarella cheese on top Molokhia Broth Garlic Natural Ghee Rice with frik Ghee Water Salt #صينية_كباب_بالخضار_فى_30دقيقة #اسرع_غداء_صينية_كباب_بالخضار #Tray_kebab_with_vegetables_fastest_lunch


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